Thu 4/9/09

A Daily Walk With DietPower

Walking is the best exercise for weight loss. And the things you see!


Walking down the South King Street hill today, I surprised this little guy by suddenly emerging from behind a fat sugar maple. He didn't react as most squirrels do. Instead of ducking around the other side of the tree, he lingered a moment to watch me take out my camera and shoot him.

If you've ever circled a tree after a squirrel, you know they have an uncanny ability to keep the trunk between themselves and you. As a boy hunting with my father in the mountains of Pennsylvania, I learned to defeat this behavior by hanging my hat on a sapling, then tiptoeing to the other side. Squirrels aren't smart enough to realize that a red plaid Woolrich hat is not a man carrying a 16-gauge shotgun. If you aim at their height, they'll often emerge directly under your sights.

Yes, I ate squirrels. My father had seven mouths to feed on a postman's salary. I can still remember picking the shot out of the meat. I bit into a BB now and then, and probably swallowed a few. Since they were made of lead in those days, they probably lowered my IQ. But not enough to make me as dumb as a squirrel.

Download DietPower and lose poundsAbout this page: Precisely at noon each day, I step out of my office for a 3.5-mile walk around my Connecticut neighborhood. I carry a Panasonic Lumix DMC-TX5 pocket camera with a Leica 10x optical zoom lens. My object is to make an interesting photograph of at least one thing that is different that day. I post the results here, hoping they will inspire you and your friends to walk, too.  Terry Dunkle, DietPower founder and CEO.

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All My Yesterdays

Wednesday, April 8: April Snow

Tuesday, April 7: Egg Trees, Connecticut Style

Monday, April 6: I Carry My Lunch

Sunday, April 5: A Tree in Spring

Saturday, April 4: Pigs with Drivers Licenses

Friday, April 3: Forsythia

Thursday, April 2: Skunk Cabbage II

Wednesday, April 1: Mystery of the Hanging Shoes

Tuesday, March 31: Downy Woodpecker

Monday, March 30: 300-Year-Old House

Sunday, March 29: The Broken Fence

Saturday, March 28: "You're Such a Delight"

Friday, March 27: Skunk Cabbage

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