$50 Quiz—September 2012

Answer the question below to enter DietPower's monthly quiz sweepstakes. One winner will be drawn in October. We'll announce the winner here and in your monthly Piping Hot e-letter if you've subscribed. (To read contest rules, click here.)

BananasBanana Boon

Which are bananas especially good for?

A. High blood pressure
B. Hemorrhoids
C. Hives
D. All of these

To answer the quiz...

...send one response to . (Sorry, you'll be disqualified if you answer any quiz more than once.)

Entries to this quiz may be submitted as late as September 30. You'll find the winner's name and correct answer on this webpage and in your monthly Piping Hot e-letter if you've subscribed.

Congratulations, Judy Fritz!

You've won our latest quiz sweepstakes. (.) Below is the quiz question we posted in the most recent issue of our Piping Hot newsletter. (Click to subscribe.)

PopcornPopcorn Secret

Why is popcorn a good diet food?

A. It's mostly air.

B. It contains linolenic acid.

C. It's rich in fiber.

The correct answer was A: It's mostly air.

Because popcorn is primarily air, you can eat four cups and get only 120 calories. (That's without butter, of course.)

Thanks, Judy—and thanks to everyone else who participated. Good luck with this month's quiz!

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