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DietPower Video Tutorials

NOTE: The old "15-day trial" buttons in these videos will now give you the complete program FREE. (No strings are attached. We're Not That Kind of Company™.)

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...just pause or go back using the VCR buttons at the bottom:

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Yes, You Can Use DietPower on 2 Computers

In fact, your license allows up to four year-round residents of your household to use DietPower on any number of machines—as long as only those four use it. (Users who do not live in your household must buy separate licenses.)

Click to read the Travel Bag help topicTo keep your diet records on several computers concurrently, use the Travel Bag button, shown at left. The Travel Bag lets you export and import your records via flash or thumb drive, diskette, CD, or email.

Coming Soon:

Tours of the following functions aren't ready, but if you click their names we'll show you other ways to learn them.

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Database Error
Message: MySQL Query fail: INSERT INTO visitor (join_date, entrance, join_ip, last_ip) VALUES (NOW() ,'http://my.dietpower.com/support/tutorials_index.php', '', '');
Date: Friday, July 26, 2024 at 8:04:02 PM
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Database Error
Message: MySQL Query fail: INSERT INTO visits (visitor, timestamp, ip_address, domain, landing_page) VALUES ('', NOW() ,'', 'my.dietpower.com', '/support/tutorials_index.php');
Date: Friday, July 26, 2024 at 8:04:02 PM
Script: /support/tutorials_index.php