Exercising in your Target Zone helps you lose weight and get in shape faster. To find your low, medium, and high Target Zones for a favorite exercise, enter your facts below and click the Calculate button.

Close Age
Enter your age in years. If your birthday is coming soon, you can round upwards.
Close Sex
Maximum heart rates are higher for men than for women.
Close Resting Heart Rate
To get your resting heart rate, take your pulse before getting out of bed in the morning or after sitting quietly for five minutes. (If you have to guess, use 60 if you're unusually fit, 70 if you're sedentary, 80 if you're unfit or obese.)
Close Activity
Your Target Zone depends partly on the type of exercise you're doing. If yours isn't on the list, choose an activity that seems equally strenuous.
Close Fitness Level
Choose "Novice" if you haven't gotten much aerobic exercise in recent months; "Intermediate" if you've averaged 20 to 40 minutes three to five times a week; "Advanced" if you've averaged significantly more. (Aerobic exercise is any steady activity that raises a sweat and can be performed for many minutes without stopping, such as jogging or swimming. Short-burst activities that leave you out of breath, such as weightlifting, are not aerobic.)
? beats/minute
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Database Error
Message: MySQL Query fail: INSERT INTO visitor (join_date, entrance, join_ip, last_ip) VALUES (NOW() ,'http://my.dietpower.com/tools/target_heart_rate_calculator.php', '', '');
Date: Tuesday, September 10, 2024 at 7:32:17 AM
Script: /tools/target_heart_rate_calculator.php
Database Error
Message: MySQL Query fail: INSERT INTO visits (visitor, timestamp, ip_address, domain, landing_page) VALUES ('', NOW() ,'', 'my.dietpower.com', '/tools/target_heart_rate_calculator.php');
Date: Tuesday, September 10, 2024 at 7:32:17 AM
Script: /tools/target_heart_rate_calculator.php