Weight Loss

It's the Calories, Stupid!

By Terry Dunkle, DietPower Editor-in-Chief

Atkins, South Beach, Zone, Blood Type—you've heard about these and many other diets. Which one is best for you? Here, science provides the definitive answer.

Lose 10 Pounds in 10 Days!

By Terry Dunkle, DietPower Editor-in-Chief

I keep getting emails from companies who make promises like this. Maybe you're getting them, too. Can a person really lose weight that fast? Full story.

How to Keep Your Resolutions

By Terry Dunkle, DietPower Editor-in-Chief

Follow these eight rules and you'll be surprised how easy it is to stay on the wagon. Full story.

Atkins Diet: Hope or Hype?

By Janet Ford, DietPower Senior Editor

A strange thing has happened over the past few years: the whole world seems to believe carbohydrates are bad. Restaurants are offering low-carb alternatives on menus. Low-carb products are elbowing others off supermarket shelves. People on the street and in the media—even major news anchors—talk of carbohydrates in the same tones once reserved for PCBs and mercury. What on earth is going on?

What's So Hot About South Beach?

By Elena Serocki, DietPower Senior Editor

In some ways, the South Beach diet is a refinement of Atkins. Instead of eschewing carbohydrates in general, Miami cardiologist Arthur Agatston recommends eating "good" carbs and shunning "bad" ones. Full story.

Calorie Shifting: Does it Work?

By Terry Dunkle, DietPower Editor-in-Chief

Sometimes called the Zig Zag Diet, calorie shifting claims that you can trick your body into burning calories faster by occasionally overeating. Here's what science says about it. Full story.

What to Do With Your Uneaten Calories

By Terry Dunkle, DietPower Editor-in-Chief

America is becoming an obese nation while millions of children—including some in our own country—are starving. The calories you save by losing weight represent real money that you are no longer spending. Why not donate it to charity? Full story.

Calorie Shifting: Does it Work?

By Terry Dunkle, DietPower Editor-in-Chief

Calorie shifting" (sometimes called the Zig Zag Diet) supposedly tricks your body into burning calories faster, so you can eat more food while still losing weight. Proponents argue that it can "melt away pounds" like magic. Full story.

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